Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Lost Souls

In the list that follows most will know of two maybe three of these children from news reports, how many of us know of the rest. I know I didn’t. Before I became involved I had no idea of most of these young souls lost. I suspect my list is not even complete as many of the inquest findings into the deaths are suppressed either by the local authorities involved or by the courts, “in the interests of the child”.

Child deaths caused by failure of social services in the UK

Carla Bone aged 13 months
Aberdeenshire Social Services
Social workers repeatedly warned of the dangers

Deraye Lewis aged 3
Bedfordshire Social Services
Social services admit errors on tragic tot death

Balthous Galtricia aged 2
Barking and Dagenham Social Services
Mother cleared to care for Balthous six days before she was killed.

Ajit Singh aged 12
Barking and Dagenham Social Services
Over 160 failings but no-one to blame?

Sean Denton aged 18 mths
Barnet Social Services
Left by Social Services to die at the hands of his drug-abusing mother.

Melissa Strickson aged 13
Blackburn Social Services
Father claims serious failures

Chloe Thomas aged 14 weeks
Bridgend Social Services
Officials told of cruelty just weeks before her death

Brandon Davis aged 2
Birmingham Social Services
Parents were well known to Social Services

Khyra Ishaq aged 7
Birmingham Social Services
Why did social workers ignore warnings, asks MP

Toni-Ann Byfield aged 7
Birmingham Social Services
Agencies slammed over murder

John Smith aged 4
Brighton and Hove Social Services
'Horrendous' mistakes by social workers

Baby Z aged 14mths
Bristol Social Services
The life, and the Social Services failings over the death of Baby Z.

Child A aged 10
Bristol Social Services
Social workers criticised over child death.

Lois Lazenby aged 2
Caerphilly Social Services
On the Child Protection for social abuse

Salma ElSharkawy aged 12
Camden Social Services
Begged SS to go home to her parents

Ukleigha Batten-Froggatt aged 6
Camden Social Services
A child protection team was responsible for her safety.

Chelsea Brown aged 2
Derbyshire social services
System failed a child at risk

Baby A aged 10 mths
Doncaster Social Services
Social services branded 'chaotic and dangerous

Amy Howson Aged 16 mths
Doncaster Social Services
Social services failures resulted in 16-month-old girl's murder.

Kennedy McFarlane aged 3
Dumfries and Galloway Social Services
Child death 'could have been avoided'

Dylan Lockerbie aged 5 months
Dumfries & Galloway Social services
Council admitted to failings in their care of Dylan

Brandon Muir aged 2yrs
Dundee Social Services
Social workers knew of Heather Boyd's chaotic life

Elisha Allen aged 5mths
Durham Social Services
Social services errors led to death of baby.

Caleb Ness aged 11 weeks
Edinburgh Social Services
High-profile failures by social work departments

Kimberley Carlile aged 4
Greenwich Social Services
Numerous visits by Care officials failed to stop the abuse

Antoine Ogunkoya aged 10
Hackney Social Services
Social workers accused on of "frogmarching" children to their deaths'

Kenniece Ogunkoya aged 3
Hackney Social Services
Mother killed her children when social services allowed her an unsupervised visit.

Tyrell Rowe aged 19 months
Hackney Social Services
Social workers criticised over baby's death

Tahla Ikram aged 17 months
Hammersmith, Fulham/Ealing
Social Services said there was no concerns

Peter Connelly - Baby p -aged 18 mths
Haringey Social Services
Baby P was seen 60 times by social workers health visitors and doctors.

Rhys Biggs aged 2mths
Haringey Social Services
Cruel death means nothing if lessons are not learned

Victoria Climbie aged 8
Haringey Social Services
A SOCIAL worker who failed to halt the abuse and murder.

Billie-Jo Jenkins aged 13
Hastings Social Services

Neo Craig aged 10 Months
Havering Social Services (Essex)
Social Workers missed numerous injuries.

Aliyah Ismail aged 13
Harrow Social Services
Child prostitute 'failed' by social workers

Jasmine Bellfield aged 2
Kirklees Social Services
Stab tot’s mum feared social workers

Leticia Aalayah Wright aged 4
Kirklees Social Services
Social services admitted failings

Jasmine Galyer aged 3
Lincolnshire Social Services
Social services had been involved for four years.

Tia Rigg aged 12
Salford Social Services (Manchester)
Social services missed SEVEN opportunities to
help her.

Alex Sutherland aged 13 Months
Manchester Social Services
Social Services missed 17 chances to save him.

Delayno Mullings-Sewell aged 3mths
Manchester Social Services
More failings by police and Child Protection Services

Romario Mullings-Sewell aged 2
Manchester Social Services
More failings by police and social Service

Courtney Crockett aged 3
Manchester Social Services
Social workers said she wasn't at any risk?

Chloe Fahey aged 5
Manchester Social Services
Investigation has been launched into the social services

Alexander Gallon aged 4 months
Newcastle Social Services
Care review follows baby's death

Aaron O'Neil aged 3 months
Newcastle Social Services
Social Worker sacked after baby murder

Ainlee Labonte aged 2
Newham Social Services
Social workers paralysed by fear

Ruby Spink aged 11mths
Norfolk Social Services
Social Services monitoring Ruby when she died.

Lauren Wright aged 6
Norfolk social services
Social worker 'saw girl's bruises'

Lauren Creed aged 5
Norfolk social services
Social Services and police admitted fatal errors.

Amaraye Bryan aged 11 weeks
Nottingham Social Services
Disastrous failures by social workers, police and health staff

Charlotte Avenall aged 8yrs
Nottingham Social Services
Social services condemned over death of girl found hanged

Leanne White aged 3yrs
Nottingham Social Services
Social services who investigated earlier abuse decided there were no concerns.

Violet Mullen aged 15 months
Oldham Social Services
String of mistakes by 11 agencies

Rikki Lee Neave aged 6
Peterborough Social Services
Failed by social services

Jessica Randall aged 2 Mths
Plymouth Social Services
Social services blunders allowed baby death

Perrin Barlow aged 9 Months
Plymouth Social Services
Agencies 'failed' to protect baby

Trae-Bleu Layne aged 3
Reading Social Services
Social Services failed to protect toddler

Tiffany Hirst /Wright aged 3
Sheffield Social Services
Inquiry into whether social services were at fault.

Ashley Chadburn aged 2
Sheffield Social Services
Social workers criticised for the death of a two-year-old boy

Kirk Hammersley aged 7yrs
Stoke-on-Trent Social Services
Kirk was on a child protection register.

Luigi Askew aged 2 Months
Suffolk Social Services
Key questions being asked of Social Workers.

Carly Townsend aged 16
Swansea Social Services
Another catalogue of failings by Children's Services

Chloe Davies aged 16
Swansea Social Services
Failed by agencies to properly protect her.

Kyle Bates aged 16
Swansea Social Services
A number of referrals made to social services were ignored.

Gilbert aged 13 months
Swansea Social Services
Swansea Social Services ignored the warnings

Kimberley Baker aged 11 months
Swindon Social Services
Authorities admit failings over baby's death

Scott Slipper aged 17
Swindon Social Services
Scott's parents failed by Social Services

Baby Jack aged 6 mths
Tameside Social Services
Serious case review was launched.

Chloe Fletcher aged 4
Wirral Social Services
Report slams children's services

Diamond Dwomoh aged 10 mths
Waltham Forest Social Services
Significant shortcomings in methods used in child protection.

Ryan Lovell-Hancox aged 3
Wolverhampton Social Services
A social worker attended the home the day the toddler was rushed to hospital in a coma.

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